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Custom Technology Platform

The Burton Energy Strategy Platform (Burton ESP) is a comprehensive utility visualization and management platform that provides custom views of energy, water, and waste data in a meaningful manner.

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Custom Technology Platform

The platform provides the ability to track performance improvement over time and to plan future program enhancements and expansions with custom views at both enterprise level and site level. Views include:

Heat map icon

Heat Map

Provides a custom overview of utility usage or spend based on a variety of points such as annual usage or cost, average monthly spend, cost per square foot, or custom points can be created if needed.

Contracts overview icon

Contracts Overview

Summarizes energy contracts in deregulated markets and includes the utility, supplier, start/end date, and number of sites included.

Carbon report icon

Carbon Reports

Conversion of energy consumption into GHG emissions for sustainability reporting.

Measurement verification icon

Project M&V

Measurement and verification of efficiency programs that have been implemented. Utility data is weather and calendar normalized to quantify the impact of efficiency measures on operating expense.

Performance reprots icon

Performance Reports

Custom enterprise and regional performance reports depicting usage/cost by commodity as compared year-to-date, prior year, and/or budget.

Site overview icon

Site Overview

Summary of location/contact information, account numbers and utilities, Google Maps images, and general site notes.

Monthly usage icon

Monthly Usage

Calendarized cost, usage, and rates for each commodity by month for current year and 2 years prior.

Utility bills icon

Utility Bills

Monthly utility bills by commodity with usage, rate, expense, and a link to the bill image.

Actual vs budget icon

Actual vs. Budget

performance report comparing current months usage/expense to the same month the prior year as well as to budget. Also includes weather normalization and if desired, industry-specific metrics can also be included.

Cost rate analysis icon

Cost/Rate Analysis

Comparison of monthly and historical utility cost, usage, and rate and the associated variance.

Utility graphs icon

Utility Graphs

Historical monthly usage or expense for each commodity with the option to select specific accounts or overlay weather day, cost, rate, or budget.

Contracts overview icon


Detailed supplier contracts for electric and natural gas for locations in deregulated markets.

Secured and Accessible

The ESP is housed in a secure, cloud-hosted environment that is available to authorized users at any time. It was designed and developed entirely by Burton developers and analysts in concert with clients, with each client having a unique look and feel to their portal environment.

The images below are examples screenshots from the ESP.

Burton ESP: Energy graphs showing multiple views are available
Burton ESP: Utility bill page showing account numbers, utility, and bill image link
Burton ESP: Cost/Rate analysis showing monthly usage/expense compared to budget
Burton ESP: Heat Map

Why Choose Burton

Fortune 500 companies icon

Employed by 28 Fortune 500 Companies

20 years experience icon

20+ Years of Industry Experience

Exceptional client satisfaction icon

Exceptional Client Satisfaction

Adaptability customization icon

Adaptability and Customization

Wide variety of abilities icon

Wide Range of Services

Neutral independant icon

Neutral and Independent

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Are you ready to reduce energy costs and look toward a more sustainable future? Let the experts at Burton Energy Group guide the way.

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