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Proactive HVAC Replacement

Strategically upgrading and replacing aging HVAC assets improves comfort and facility reliability, reduces energy and maintenance expenses, and improves environmental performance for national portfolios. Our turnkey implementation services streamline the installation process of complex, fast-moving projects for clients, providing the staff and systems to complete projects more quickly, with improved visibility and at lower cost. Burton’s open book contracting policy provides a clear view into all processes and costs of implementation to provide full transparency.

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Strategically Upgrading and Replacing

In a few target markets where utility incentives cover a substantial portion of the project expense, Burton can deliver the project at a net cost, often at less than 50% of the entire capital cost of the project. Since 2020, Burton has implemented over $80 million in HVAC replacements across the country.

Our experienced staff will provide expertise for your company’s energy program by:

  • Building the business case to replace aging HVAC assets based on our unique “comparative NPV” modeling approach.
  • Developing and executing a client and project-specific implementation process based on your in-house requirements and industry best practices.
  • Supplementing and transferring energy conservation knowledge to your existing staff.
  • Developing program systems and tools to enable you to have any desired level of control, visibility, and participation in program delivery.

National Retailer HVAC Replacements

Burton provides turnkey project implementation to replace aging HVAC systems for a national retail client with over 15,000 locations. Our client was looking for a single company that could bring the resources, consistency, speed and improved visibility to their HVAC replacement process. After demonstrating our process in markets with strong HVAC replacement utility incentives, Burton was awarded the national scope to orchestrate all proactive replacements.

Burton performs the following services:

  • Recommend qualified sites for surveys and potential proactive replacement.
  • Orchestrate surveys with contractors using a custom mobile app to facilitate collection of data.
  • Collect HVAC rooftop unit information to facilitate decisions on HVAC replacements.
  • Analyze survey data and present recommendation on whether to proceed with proactive HVAC replacements and repairs.
  • Provide full suite of project management services for selected projects.
  • Contract and manage the full turnkey installation process through a network of national contractors.
  • Provide technical review of existing equipment and proposed submittals.
  • Share proactive communication for project updates and tracking.
  • Manage project schedule and budget directly with client in an open-book framework.
  • Complete project closeout documentation.

To learn more about how Burton’s HVAC program is anticipated to increase net cashflow by $200 million over 15 years, see our Proactive HVAC Replacement case study.

National HVAC Repairs and Upgrades

These projects not only help to drive energy savings, but also ensure the redundancy and HVAC performance for these critical facilities, thereby reducing the potential for catastrophic failures and downtime.

Burton is providing turnkey work for a national telecom client that includes identifying and correcting HVAC issues at client operations facilities on a national basis. The scope of work includes:

  • Site surveys to functionally test equipment to identify operational issues.
  • Identify upgrade opportunities such as chiller optimization and variable frequency drive installations.
  • Solicitation of pricing from approved contractors.
  • Turnkey implementation of approved projects.

Why Choose Burton

Fortune 500 companies icon

Employed by 28 Fortune 500 Companies

20 years experience icon

20+ Years of Industry Experience

Exceptional client satisfaction icon

Exceptional Client Satisfaction

Adaptability customization icon

Adaptability and Customization

Wide variety of abilities icon

Wide Range of Services

Neutral independant icon

Neutral and Independent

Praise From Our Clients

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Work With Us Today

Are you ready to reduce energy costs and look toward a more sustainable future? Let the experts at Burton Energy Group guide the way.

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