The Issue
A national pharmacy retailer with 2,000+ locations had energy and cost-reduction goals, however due to unanticipated capital expenses earlier in the year, had extremely limited budget to implement projects. Additionally, their walk- and reach-in refrigeration systems as well as rooftop HVAC units were aging and had deferred maintenance, leading to an increase in energy intensity.
The Burton Solution
Working to understand the retailers portfolio and energy profile, Burton identified multiple utilities offering incentives covering 90-100% of refrigeration and HVAC project costs. This included measures such as VFD motor upgrades, EC motors, Anti-Sweat Heater controls, temperature sensors, strip curtains, and door closures. Within 6 months, Burton surveyed, evaluated, and implemented over 1,800 refrigeration measures and 800 VFDs. Additionally, through vendor and utility partnerships, Burton was able to secure over $2 million in utility incentives, covering 99% of the cost of the projects.
Our Results
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Contact us today to discuss how you can reduce energy costs through supply and risk management.