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The latest case study from Burton Energy Group showcases energy efficiency by the numbers! Completed in 2015, the Thrifty Ice Cream Plant in El Monte, California (owned by Rite Aid) has already seen outstanding energy savings, increases in production capacity, and attained utility rebates! 

A comprehensive energy audit was performed by Burton Energy Group in late 2013. Savings of over 43% of annual electric energy consumption were identified with a corresponding simple payback of less than 2 years including utility rebates. Projects that were selected for funding and then implemented included:

  • Complete re-design and re-build of the ammonia refrigeration plant
  • Lighting improvements
  • Lighting controls improvements
  • Installation of a new more efficient HVAC system for the production areas
  • Improved insulation and staging in the product storage and buffer areas

Continuous improvements in design and construction of the ammonia refrigeration plant project were primarily responsible for actual measured savings exceeding original estimates. Burton continued to support Thrifty and Rite Aid after the initial audit with project management services for selected measures. Burton was actively involved with SCE and Lockheed Martin Energy Services in attaining the utility rebate for the project.

Click here to read the full case study!