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We received word in February from the EPA that our company had been awarded as a 2015 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence.   We are really excited to be honored as such for the third consecutive year.  For a high touch, boutique energy consulting firm like ours, it exemplifies who we are and why we do what we do – to make an impact with our clients in developing and implementing energy and water conservation programs that are impactful and lower energy usage and costs at their facilities. While the initial recognition and repeat as Partner of the Year were special, the Sustained Excellence accolade is even more so because it underscores the consistency with which our company and clients have moved the needle with a variety of conservation measures and sustainability initiatives.

While I have been nominated to accept the Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence plaque at the ENERGY STAR Awards banquet on behalf of our company, it is my fellow managing partners – Mark Brueker and George Plattenburg – and all of our colleagues at Burton, who are truly responsible for making this happen.   We could not do it without the belief, passion and investment that our clients and other alliances make daily to produce such astounding results.  And we could not pull all of this off without the platform, guidance, best practices and utilization of tools provided by ENERGY STAR.

Working in concert with our clients and ENERGY STAR, we have already begun the energy conservation journey to ensure we’re in the running for next year’s Sustained Excellence award.  A daunting challenge for sure, but one we embrace because it is the very fabric of who we are as energy consultants.

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The Burton Team Celebrates the 2015 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award.

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 The Burton Team accepting the 2015 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award in Washington, D.C. on April 20, 2015.